
The Brazilian Obsessions 1: Public Holidays and Commemorative Days

The first in an occasional series of not entirely serious reflections on Brazilian life as seen through the eyes of an outsider.

There are around 20 public holidays a year in Brazil, which is about three to four weeks off a year, (if it falls on a weekend, it isn't moved). Sounds great doesn't it? The only problem is that I am in one of those jobs where if I don't work, I don't get paid, so they can be a bit of a pain to me as I am always having to reschedule everything to fit in.

But more interesting than this are the commemorative days which generally celebrate saints and professions. Today is the day of the printers and 15th of October is teachers day, for example. Fair enough you think, but some of these days are mental, for example, 9th of June is the day of the doormen, tennis players and people who make prosthetic limbs. 5th of October is the day of the trees. I am not making this up.

I'm not sure what we citizens of Brazil are supposed to do on these days. Maybe we should just lean back and reflect on all the good work that the trees do for us, and consider a life without prosthetic limbs. Makes you think doesn't it?

Below is a new-ish Devo song, which I have included here because of the titles vague connection to the subject:

Devo - Watch Us Work It

What do you think?

The image above comes from here. Have a look, it's really good, honest.


David N said...

My first thought was that it sounds like the Rapture. Heresy, I know.

Anonymous said...

Like you need a reason to post a Devo song?
I like it....the chorus is reminiscent of 'Pretty Woman'.

Do Brazilian people hug trees to show their appreciation?

hf,c,.jgvkhbj,. said...

Well, I quite like the Rapture, so it good be worse. As for 'Pretty Woman', well, I can't hear that myself. I think you're on your own there.

As far as I can see, only the religious days are celebrated in any shape or form, which does of course question their necessity. I did receive a cake from one of my students on teachers day though. Yummy.

Anonymous said...

Você tá fazendo curso de português né? Vou postar na língua nativa então.

Cheguei aqui através do We Can Rebuild Him (blog muito bom, by the way)e achei o seu blog bem bacana também. Especialmente por esse post pós-carnaval. Sempre que chega essa época do ano culpo todos os "probremas" daqui por causa do excesso de feriados (estúpido da minha parte achar isso, aproveito todos muito bem do fundo da minha cama).
Vi que você também já passou por Natal, cidade que eu moro. Puta fim de mundo isso aqui, mas, sei lá, acho que foi o primeiro gringo a pisar nessas pradarias que não parece um filho de pedreiro em busca de minor age whores (qualquer coisa, acho que a Bruna pode explicar a piada).

Legal esse blog, visitarei com frequência.

David N said...

Is that spam or what?

I like the Rapture too, but I expect something more of Devo. They should have stayed inactive, like the Feelies. More mystique that way. Do you like the Feelies? We never talked about them, I don't think. If you don't, you should, coz you would.

hf,c,.jgvkhbj,. said...

Tiago - Obrigado Tiago por suas palavras. Infelizemente, meu portuguese está ainda ruim, mas eu vou tentar de escrever algum coisa para você!

Eu gosto seu cidade, e muito bonito, mas eu nao conheci sobre este outro coisa (minor age whores). Ela esta uma problema grande?

Eu espero que você vai vistar meu blog de novo, e eu vou explicar para David N sobre seu 'comments' sobre o blog dele. Obrigado.

Dave N - Spam? You cheeky bleeder, especially as he came to my blog via yours (which he likes, by the way).

I don't know anything about the Feelies, but rest assured I will investigate and get back to you.

David N said...

I know, I know, I was joking...

The Feelies first album is what you want. Especially "The Boy With the Perpetual Nervousness". One of my favourite songs ever.

Anonymous said...

eu amo brasil por conta dos feriados... viva!