It should be easy nowadays to turn the Japanese psycho drum kings the Boredoms into dance music, after all their music is about as danceable and groove based as experimental ever gets. On recent Japanese only release
Super Roots 10 (hunt it down, it's out there), they get a make over from DJ Lindstrom, who does a great job of transforming them into space disco. Unlikely I know, but it really works.
Boredoms - Ant 10 (Remix By DJ Lindstrom)
HHmmmmmm. Recently I've gotten into Boris and Rallizes Denudes, who are the first Japanese artists I've ever been even remotely interested in (unless you count Sakamoto, which I guess you should).
Have you read JapRockSampler?
No, much as I love Japanese stuff, that book seemed like a bridge too far for me. I would urge you to seek out more Boredoms, especially their masterpiece Vision Creation Newsun. They're awesome.
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